YOU are the medicine.

Hi! I’m Danielle.

I’m the heart and soul behind Soul Embodied Reiki & Energy Healing, and I’m so grateful to connect with you in this moment.

You are not here by accident. In fact, there are no coincidences in life, and there’s a reason you’re here, now. 

Perhaps you’re ready to release the limiting beliefs holding you back from stepping into your most joyous, purposeful, embodied life. Or you’re looking to heal from pain, trauma, anxiety, or heartache. 

You want to feel light, peaceful, safe, and free. To show up as ALL of you, knowing that you are worthy and healed, exactly as you are. 

My own journey of healing has been a wild one, so I can resonate with what you’re feeling.

I can also tell you that there is another way. An easier way.

A path of connection, joy, and love is available to you now. Are you ready?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that channels universal life force energy to promote balance, healing, and harmony within the body, mind and spirit. It addresses the root causes of mental, physical, and emotional ailments, such as stress, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and much more. By balancing the body's energy centers and restoring optimal frequencies, Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It dissolves stagnant energy blocks and releases physical and emotional trauma while nourishing and strengthening the body on all levels.

The word “Reiki" is made up of 2 Japanese kanji: REI and KI. There are a couple of different ways that it’s translated but essentially:

霊 = REI = spirit / universal / higher power
気 = KI = life force energy

Reiki is pure unconditional love and joy, bringing all who experience and embrace its principles together in harmony.

There is often a misconception that you need to be spiritual to benefit from energy healing. But in fact, energy healing is available to everyone who is interested, open, and willing to receive. Energy healing does not replace western medicine but together work in conjunction to effectively support, balance, restore, cure, and repair your mind and body.

During a session, Reiki is channeled through my hands and into your body and energy field, allowing you to experience deep relaxation, inner peace, improved emotional well-being, and increased overall vitality. Reiki can be shared through touch or no touch at all, whichever you prefer. Sessions are specifically tailored to each individual person by intuitive guidance for what is needed at the time.

As Reiki is not limited by time or space, healings can be conducted in person or via a distance session.

Reconnect to the truth of who you are with Reiki and energy healing.


Promote relaxation and calm

Alleviate anxiety and depression

Release negative emotions and beliefs

Build resilience to stress

Heal unconscious patterns and addictions

Process and heal from past traumas

Release insecurity and doubt

Enhance creativity and mental clarity

Manifest your goals

Benefits of Reiki


Promote natural healing within the body

Ease physical discomfort, pain, tension, and inflammation

Clear toxins on an energetic and cellular level

Strengthen immune system

Experience more restful sleep and support with insomnia

Increase energy levels

Recover from illness, injury, or surgery

Balance hormones


Discover inner peace and harmony

Connect to your intuition and inner wisdom

Experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment

Clear past life karma

Connect with universal love and compassion

Align with your soul’s mission

Expand your consciousness

Tap into the vastness of your true nature

... and so much more!


  • *Coming Soon

    Experience the transformative power of Reiki healing in person. Each session is uniquely tailored by intuitive guidance and may include a combination of Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Shamanic Reiki/Journeying, Sound Healing, and Intuitive Guidance/Coaching.

  • Receive the benefits of Reiki from anywhere in the world. Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person sessions, providing a flexible and accessible way to experience healing. I also offer Shamanic Reiki Absentee Healings.

  • Experience personalized healing through Reiki and/or ASMR in a format you can enjoy anytime. These custom videos are tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

  • Light Language is the language of the soul — a channeled, multidimensional language that brings sound and energy from spirit into the physical realm. A Light Language Activation offers profound benefits, including deep healing at the cellular level, spiritual awakening, and energy clearing and balancing.

Reiki can, in fact, be a doorway to spiritual awakening, to realizing that place of no separation between you and the Divine, and that Divine essence that is in all things.